Nada florece sin atención.
Kurt Lewin


¿Quién contribuyó a los proyectos y resultados?

Alejandro Becker

MBA with focus on public policies and administration (University Externado, Colombia and University of Potsdam, Germany).
Main working fields:

  • Development of concepts and facilitation of planning processes
  • Institutional development and change management
  • Decentralization, local economic & social development, spatial planning
  • Evaluation and conflict transformation, strengthening of capacities
  • Design of training and moderation of workshops and eventsLecturing at postgraduate level

Juan Gangotena

MA in architecture and urban planning (Universidad Central, Ecuador), MA in regional planning (University of Caracas).
Main working fields:

  • Design and moderation of multi-actor planning and evaluation in rural and urban context, indigenous development
  • Spatial planning and sustainable management of natural resources
  • Value chain analysis and development of regional clusters in social and economic development
  • Strengthening of municipalities and local organizations, change management
  • Design and moderation of capacity development processes

Carlos Augusto Giraldo

Lawyer (UNAULA, Medellín) and MA in public administration (University of Speyer, Germany, University Externado, Colombia).
Main working fields:

  • Reforms in public administration and municipal development
  • Public finances and public expenditure analysis, institutional development and policy impact analysis
  • Public-private planning and evaluation
  • Environmental management and climate change governance
  • Design and moderation of capacity development processes
  • Lecturing at postgraduate level

Mónica Jácome

MA in economy (PUCE), postgraduate in planning and evaluation, gender focus and conflict transformation.
Main working fields:

  • Facilitation of capacity development workshops and events
  • Decentralization processes, civil participation, indigenous development, empowerment of regional governments and local social and economic development
  • Evidence-based evaluations, planning and project cycle management
  • Environmental management and climate change policies
  • Design and coaching of change management processes
  • Promotion of SME and public-private alliances and networks

Hernán Márquez

MA in architecture and economy (UFRGS, Porto Alegre, Brasil, and Universidad de Cuenca, Ecuador).
Main working fields:

  • Organizational analysis and capacity development
  • Design and use of management tools (e.g. Capacity WORKS) and coaching of change management processes
  • Systemic organization development, networking and multi-actor cooperation management, indigenous development
  • Moderation of participatory planning, monitoring and evaluation processes, knowledge management
  • Lecturing at postgraduate level

Ana Rangel

MA in communication, media technology, social psychology and anthropology (University of Zurich, Universidad del Norte, Colombia).
Main working fields:

  • Communication and information technology
  • Team building and communication strategies
  • Concept and tool development
  • Design of knowledge management processes
  • Economic and social sustainable development
  • Training design and capacity development

Floralba Rodríguez

MBA (Central American University), Industrial Engineer (Universidad Libre, Colombia).
Main working fields:

  • Strategy development, planning, monitoring and evaluation
  • Interactive training strategies and cooperation management
  • Project cycle management, design and moderation of planning processes and strategy formulation
  • Multi-actor cooperation and conflict transformation
  • Process design and organization development
  • Knowledge management and reporting

Janice Roman

MA in comparative cultural studies (Jean Moulin University, Lyon), BA in political science (University of Montreal), BA in international relations (ITESM, Mexico City).
Main working fields:

  • Institutional development and policy impact studies
  • Project cycle management, strategy and organization development
  • Design of concept and tools, knowledge management processes
  • Multi-actor cooperation and network development
  • Event management, teambuilding and capacity development
  • Financial controlling, coordination and reporting

Jean-Michel Rousseau

MA in international affairs, conflict and security (Sciences Po, Paris), BA school of foreign service (Georgetown University, Washington).
Main working fields:

  • Policy formulation, policy impact studies, institutional reforms
  • Development strategies, concepts and tools for sustainable social and economic development
  • Policy development, conflict transformation, peace building
  • Capacity development and change management
  • Multi-actor cooperation and network development
  • Evidence-based evaluations and moderation of planning processes

Baptist Sieber

MA in political science, business administration and international law (University of Zurich and Strasbourg).
Main working fields:

  • Institutional development, public policies, institutional development, business plans and controlling
  • Concept development, strategic planning and participatory project management and monitoring
  • Cooperation management and networking
  • Conflict prevention and transformation
  • Evidence-based evaluation and change management
  • Regional planning and sustainable economic develpopemnt (clusters, value chains, indigenous development)
  • Development of IT concepts and tools

Daniel Wegmann

MBA (Zurich Business School), advanced qualifications in IT development, fiduciary, insurance and finance and controlling.
Main working fields:

  • Evaluation, design and implementation of financial management systems
  • Controlling and reporting on results, costs, opportunities and investment
  • Risk management and design of insurance solutions
  • Institutional development, governance, expenditure analysis, fiscal management and tax systems
  • Financial analysis and reporting systems
  • Design and coordination of administration processes

Waldemar A. Wirsig

MSc. in agricultural development and applied economics (University of California, Davis).
Main working fields:

  • Assessment of political and institutional development opportunities, formulation of policies and strategies
  • Research, extension, farmer linkages, economic development, technological innovation systems
  • Design and evaluation of competitive funds for agricultural research and development
  • Indigenous self-administration systems, local and regional social and economic development, community development
  • Multi-actor cooperation and networking
  • Participatory planning, monitoring and evaluation

Arthur Zimmermann

Ph.D. in social sciences and history (Universities of Zurich and FU Berlin), advanced studies in management and organizational development.
Main working fields:

  • Policy development, political economy and institutional reforms
  • Public management, social & Economic development, decentralization
  • Environmental and natural resources management
  • Circular economy, environmental strategies, multi-actor climate change governance
  • Expertise in institutional and organizational development, including governance, indigenous development, change management, regional economic development, cooperation management and networking
  • Planning, monitoring and evidence-based evaluation
  • Strategies and tools for capacity development and multi-actor cooperation, conflict prevention and transformation
  • Lecturing at postgraduate level and moderation of events